Become a SMART Organization
Become a SMART Organization
We don’t want to be a stupid organization…we all want to run a SMART business !! The issue is to understand what a SMART organization is, which attributes it needs to have and – more importantly – why it is relevant (for customers and stakeholders) to become SMART. In other terms, why should we become SMART. Smart means many different things to different audiences, so the first step that any organization needs to make is to define what smart means to them.
S…Speed, Simple, Seamless, Systemic, Strategic
M…Market (orientation), Move(fast), Marketing (innovative)
A…Adaptive, Agile, Aggressive, Anti-Cyclical
R…Rapid, Robust, Responsive, Risk (open)
T…Timeless, Talent, Trial (and error)
Second, becoming smart is a process, so any organization needs to define a roadmap to get there and the priorities. Net: any organization needs a compass to become SMART, a «to-be-model» against which to define first steps, priorities, investments and to measure results. This is what we call the SMART Business Compass, that will guide your Organization and support your journey towards smartness. A smart business is a place where the three key dimensions of a business (Governance & Organization, Leadership, Management Style and Culture) work in sync with four other performance drivers (knowledge, innovation, flexibility, simplicity) to create a smart environment.
Each element (both hard and soft) has been deeply analysed and made «actionable» to help the organization to design a robust and executable roadmap to become smart and create value.