The Go-Kart Organization
Have you ever looked at a Go-Kart through the lenses of business ? If you did, then you would probably be surprised to see how many commonalities exist and how many good lessons you can learn from the karting world. The kart design, the racing …
Stractics © (that stands for Strategy and Tactics «all in one») is a powerful approach to gain speed and momentum. We all experienced times where winnning or losing is highly dependent upon our ability to be fast in executing a given strategy and in our …
Mind the Cultural Trap in M&A
We are all familiar with the explicit and hidden risks in M&A, as we all went through the painful process of a Due Diligence aimed at minimizing the risks of an acquisition. Legal due diligence, HR due diligecence, tax due diligence….. Hundreds of consultants and …
Manage Innovation, don’t just Talk about it
Innovation is a must, Innovation is an habit, Innovation is a cultural style….we all heard these and many others «slogans» about innovation and why Organizations, no matter if large or small, have to focus on it. The way Organizations then try to turn this into …
Service Design pays big dividends
Service Design is the application – to Service Business – of the pricinples, tools and methodologies of Design Thinking. It is a very powerful approach, but still many organizations try to design their services in a very traditional way, basically without any early involvment of …
Become a SMART Organization
We don’t want to be a stupid organization…we all want to run a SMART business !! The issue is to understand what a SMART organization is, which attributes it needs to have and – more importantly – why it is relevant (for customers and stakeholders) …
Drive the Digital Maturity of your Organization (…but first, assess it…)
When a major disruption hits the market (like digital), Organizations are exposed to a very severe risk: the «competency trap», i.e. the preconcept or bias that the competencies that allowed an organization to be succesful in the past, will serve well even in front of …