Digital Readiness Check-up
Digital Readiness Check-up
Organizations that are willing (or forced) to transition to a digital model, might face the common challenge of not being fully equipped or mature enough to make the move. That is why we believe that an early assessment is a must. Traditional assessment will not work well or will not highlight the right gaps or the strenght. This is the reason why we developed specific tools and approaches to assess the «digital readines» of an organization. We can apply this methodology to an entire organization, a division, a function, a group of managers or even to single individuals.
The Intervention is based on a structured and robust Methodology that will be deployed to gather detailed information at different levels and with different perspectives, in order to allow the profiling from several observation points. The model measures and assess 28 different attributes that – to us – are relevant to build a view on the digital maturity of a unit/person. The goal is to have a systemic or holistic view of the Organization/Professional observed, by feeding the model with different inputs gathered from different angles.The different iattributes will be then sinthetized into a Profile that rates the Digital Readiness and Maturity on 8 key dimensions that – in our view and based on literature/research – are considered to be essential.
The Profiling can be done at Individual level or Group Level and each individual can be compared to his/her peers or against a «to be» or «desired» model.The methodology can be enriched or reinforced through the use of other techniques, like Service Design Thinking (tools and approaches applied to a specific process or service) to better refine the assessment and its conclus.
Additional refinement can be achieved by the «4 Step Approach» that will allow a higher degree of granularity to the initial analysis, confirmation of the first conclusions and a consistency check.
The «deliverable» of our intervention will be a Manager Maturity Profile – individual – and a Group Profile, together with comments/evidence/derailment factors