
Manage Innovation, don’t just Talk about it


Manage Innovation, don’t just Talk about it

Innovation is a must, Innovation is an habit, Innovation is a cultural style….we all heard these and many others «slogans» about innovation and why Organizations, no matter if large or small, have to focus on it. The way Organizations then try to turn this into reality and value, is a very different story…

The way Organizations then try to turn this into reality and value, is a very different story…

Our view is that Innovation is an output of a process and as such, it has to be managed and planned. Innovation is a very different concept from Invention: invention is an act – often an individual act – while innovation is a process… This – again – is one of the many value-driven-processes that needs to be designed and executed. Which means that has to be part of your overall Business Model and Business Modelling, and adequately reflected in your Organization and Organizational blueprint. Moreover, innovation has to be measured, as well as the outcome of your innovation process….like any other output !